Unexplained loss of muscle mass

What is unexplained loss of muscle mass?

The medical term for unexplained loss of muscle mass is cachexia. It refers to progressive and abnormal muscle wasting that cannot be reversed nutritionally. Patients experience weakness and fatigue as their muscles break down.

What causes cachexia?

There are a few potential causes of cachexia to rule out with diagnostic testing:

If none of the above causes apply, it is classified as idiopathic cachexia, meaning arising spontaneously without an apparent external cause. This puzzling muscle wasting without explanation affects about 5% of the elderly population.

What are the treatment options?

For cachexia with an identifiable cause, treating the underlying condition may help slow or stop further muscle loss. However even that may not result in rebuilding the lost muscle mass.

In cases of unexplained, chronic cachexia the Balance Hormone Center specializes in customized hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Our expert physicians develop personalized HRT plans with bioidentical hormones to help improve protein synthesis, increase muscle strength, resolve fatigue, and greatly enhance quality of life.

We also design nutrition plans and fitness regimens tailored to each patient's needs and abilities. Our holistic approach addresses mind, body and spirit to help patients regain strength, independence and vitality.

Have more questions?

Speak with our Patient Care team today to see if our treatments can help resolve your unexplained muscle loss and fatigue. We look forward to learning about your health goals!

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