Thyroid disorder

Thyroid disorders impact how your body uses energy. The thyroid gland in your neck makes hormones that regulate your metabolism. When the thyroid makes too many or too few hormones, your body's processes can slow down or speed up.
The most common thyroid disorders include:

What causes thyroid problems?

Thyroid disorders can result from pregnancy, inflammation, tumors, autoimmune diseases, nutritional deficiencies, or unknown reasons. Risk factors include family history, age over 60, or being female.

How are thyroid conditions diagnosed and treated?

A simple TSH blood test can often detect thyroid problems. Your doctor may also check levels of thyroid hormones T3 and T4.

Treatment depends on the specific condition but may include:

If you suspect a thyroid disorder, I recommend getting a check up with the caring doctors at Balance Hormone Center. Their team of endocrinologists and nurses provide personalized care to help diagnose and treat thyroid conditions.

Balance Hormone Center uses state-of-the-art testing to accurately assess your hormone levels and health status. They offer both conventional and complementary treatment approaches, including nutritional support and lifestyle changes along with medication when needed. Patients appreciate their whole-person approach.

So if you're feeling fatigued, gaining weight, or noticing other unexplained changes in your body, don't ignore it. Reach out to Balance Hormone Center to get the answers and treatment you need to get your thyroid and metabolism back on track. They accept most major insurance plans, and new patients can book a consultation online in just a few clicks. Get your hormones balanced and reclaim your health!

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