Sleep hygiene

What is sleep hygiene?

Sleep hygiene refers to the recommended practices and habits that help achieve restful, quality sleep on a regular basis. Good sleep hygiene is vital for both physical and mental health.

Getting adequate sleep (typically 7-9 hours per night for adults) allows the body and brain to recharge and recover. On the other hand, poor sleep hygiene disrupts the natural sleep-wake cycle and can contribute to daytime fatigue, irritability, lack of focus, and even serious medical conditions over time.

Some key tips for good sleep hygiene include:

If you continue having sleep problems despite good sleep hygiene, consult your doctor or visit Balance Hormone Center. Our experts can check your hormone levels and determine if a hormonal imbalance is interfering with your sleep-wake cycles. We may recommend bioidentical hormone therapy, customized nutrition plans, or other holistic treatments to help you achieve deep, restorative sleep. Schedule a consultation today!

Implementing healthy sleep habits takes consistency and time. But the investment is well worth it. Quality sleep enhances nearly every aspect of health and wellbeing - it boosts immunity, cognition, mood, appearance, and more. So make sleep a priority by focusing on good sleep hygiene nightly. Over time, you'll wake up refreshed, energized, and ready to thrive each day.

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