Sleep disturbances

Sleep disturbances affect nearly everyone at some point. They occur when you have trouble falling or staying asleep, which leads to daytime fatigue or sleepiness.
Common types of sleep disorders include:

What causes sleep disturbances?

Many factors can contribute to sleep problems, such as:

Managing sleep disturbances involves identifying and addressing the potential underlying causes. Lifestyle changes like sticking to a regular sleep-wake schedule, limiting blue light exposure in the evenings, avoiding large meals before bedtime, and reducing stress through relaxation techniques can help significantly.

If self-care strategies don't relieve your sleep problems, consult your healthcare provider. They may recommend cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) and possibly prescription sleep medications on a short-term basis.

"The team at Balance Hormone Center understands how severely disrupted sleep can impact your overall health and quality of life. Our comprehensive wellness evaluations include advanced hormone testing to uncover any imbalances that could be interrupting your sleep. We create fully customized treatment plans involving bioidentical hormone therapy, nutrition planning, and lifestyle changes to help you rebalance your hormones. This allows your body to naturally sleep deeper and wake feeling refreshed. Contact us today to learn more about our sleep-promoting programs."

Getting quality, restorative sleep is vital for optimal health. If you regularly have trouble sleeping, identify habits that could be interfering. Small tweaks to your daily routine along with stress management may significantly improve sleep. For chronic or severe sleep problems, seek your doctor's advice to discover any underlying issues. With the right solutions, you can get the healthy sleep your body and mind need.

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