Night sweats

What are night sweats?

Night sweats refer to excessive sweating during sleep. They involve drenching sweats that soak your sleepwear and bedding.

Night sweats have several potential causes:

How are night sweats diagnosed?

Mention your night sweats to your doctor. They’ll ask about your other symptoms and medical history and may order blood tests or imaging to uncover any underlying infection, cancer, or other cause. Tracking details about your night sweats, like when they occur and their severity, can help diagnosis.

Can night sweats be treated?

If an underlying condition is causing your night sweats, treating it can provide relief. For menopause-related night sweats, lifestyle modifications and non-hormonal or low-dose hormone therapy may help. Medications can reduce sweating from antidepressants or hormone changes from prostate cancer treatment.

Managing your sleep environment can also ease night sweats:

If you're experiencing disruptive night sweats, the caring physicians at Balance Hormone Center can provide personalized treatment plans to help diagnose any underlying issue and manage your symptoms. Contact us today to learn more and take control of your night sweats!

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