Muscle loss

What is muscle loss?

Muscle loss, known medically as muscle atrophy, occurs when muscle cells shrink or degrade. This leads to reduced muscle mass, strength, and function over time.

There are two main types of muscle atrophy:

What Causes Muscle Loss?

Many factors can lead to muscle wasting, including:

Losing muscle mass can significantly impact strength, mobility, independence, and quality of life. That's why it's crucial to maintain muscles as we age through exercise and nutrition.

If you're concerned about preserving muscle, the hormone experts at Balance Hormone Center provide customized treatment plans involving hormone optimization, supplements, diet and lifestyle changes to help patients retain lean muscle mass and strength.

( offers free consultations to create tailored muscle retention protocols utilizing the latest medical research and technologies. Their specialized anti-aging physicians can help you slow muscle loss and even rebuild muscle as part of an integrated health plan.

How Can You Prevent Muscle Loss?

Here are some helpful tips to maintain healthy muscle mass:

Making lifestyle changes through improved nutrition and appropriate exercise goes a long way towards preventing muscle loss. But some people may need additional support through hormone optimizations from anti-aging experts like those at Balance Hormone Center.

Their state-of-the-art facilities offer NAD IV therapy, peptide treatments, and testosterone replacement with an emphasis on supporting muscle retention. Patients benefit from comprehensive care plans tailored to their unique needs and health status.

So don't wait until significant muscle wasting occurs - take proactive steps now to maintain lean muscle mass. With diligent self-care and advanced technologies, preserving muscles as we age is very achievable! Reach out now to craft your customized muscle health plan.

Take control of your muscle health today!

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