
What is inflammation?

Inflammation is your body's response to infection or injury. When tissues are damaged, your immune system releases chemicals that trigger a cascade of events known as the inflammatory response. This response helps protect and heal the body.

Acute inflammation happens quickly and lasts for a short time. Signs include redness, swelling, heat, and pain in the affected area. Acute inflammation often happens when you get a cut or infection. The inflammatory response brings more blood to the area to help flush out harmful stimuli and start the healing process.

Chronic inflammation lasts for months or years. This long-term inflammation can eventually cause permanent tissue damage. Chronic inflammation has been linked to diseases like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and arthritis.

Some common causes of chronic inflammation include:

Managing inflammation properly is key for good health. If you're struggling with unresolved inflammation, the expert physicians at Balance Hormone Center can help identify the root cause and create a customized treatment plan. Call today to learn more about our holistic and natural approaches to reducing inflammation through hormone balancing, nutrition, and lifestyle changes!

Key Differences Between Acute and Chronic Inflammation

| Acute Inflammation | Chronic Inflammation |
| Short-term | Long-term |
| Lasts for minutes or days | Lasts for months or years |
| Protective response to injury or infection | Causes permanent tissue damage |
| Signs include redness, swelling, heat, pain | No outward signs or symptoms |

How to Reduce Inflammation Naturally

Although medications are sometimes necessary for serious inflammatory conditions, you can take these natural steps to calm inflammation in your body:

I hope these inflammation basics give you a better understanding! Let me know if you have any other questions. And for personalized guidance on finding your inflammatory triggers and reducing them naturally, be sure to contact the exceptional wellness team at Balance Hormone Center!

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